Taking digital India movement to next level, First chat based job search app Empzilla is launched in India. The app is launched to eliminate currently existing limitations faced by job seekers and employers. It will make the selection process more quick and cost effective.
First chat based job search app Empzilla, helps job seekers and employers to have quick conversation between two. Using app Chat can also be done from office without letting to know peers and seniors of current office. The app also reduces burden and time consumption of HR department as there is no need get loads of emails and no requirement to download all profiles. Recruiters can simply view the profile of applicant in the app instead of asking for resume.
The app not only helps job finders and employers to chat but can also be used to find the exact distance between the location of applying candidate and hiring venue. For this geo location feature is provided in the app.
Empzilla app sends timely notifications to job applicants at various steps such as if job application is viewed by recruiter or is it under review
Empzilla app can be downloaded to android mobile devices from Google Playstore. It is free to use app.